Speech Festival

As a follow up to the Dramatic Reading Competition, we are launching a new event for anyone associated with the Eye Level Learning Center of Palatine.


Introducing…  Dramatic Speech Festival


Why:  To encourage interest in public speaking by developing communication skills, poise and confidence in speaking before an audience (to speak audibly, articulately, expressively and with poise and confidence)

Who:   All English students (automatically registered) and any other Eye Level of Palatine students (must sign up by March 21st)

When:  April 2015 (Qualifying performances will be held during regularly scheduled English classes and the Finalists will perform in front of families on April 25**tentative.)

How:         ·         Two speeches

1)   Personal Introduction

2)  Story/Speech (approved by teachers)

1)   Personal Introduction should be less than 1-2 minutes.

2)  Stories/Speeches must be approved by teachers no later than March 21st

3)  Voice, articulation, physical presence, speed, level of difficulty, and overall performance